March 10, 2008

March Madness

Body Paint by Rudy Everts (Australia)

What is a Pisces? Some key words to describe us include: Dreamy, psychic, sensitive, imaginative, creative, intuitive, abstract, compassionate, introspective, religious, clairvoyant, versatile, procrastinating, fatalistic, idealistic, unworldly, vague, easily led, addictive and exceptionally elusive.

Yes, we are slippery creatures and very hard to capture. Here are a few excellent examples of Piscean elusiveness, demonstrated by my subterranean friend Valerie:

My own preference is to take indoor photos with no flash under low light conditions. This creates a beautifully blurry world where anything can happen. Here are the highlights from an excellent party that we had recently. March/Pisces in attendance: Arun, David, Debbie, Diliana, Heather, Lenir, and Lucy. Isn't that amazing? There was A LOT of love in that room:

As we're a little hard to put into words, and as I'm a little lazy (being a double Pisces - Moon and Sun), I collected a few links for you that will shed more light on us:

How to Date a Pisces

Pisces Factually

General Observations

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